Here’s one more tip about LogMeIn Pro that you might not discover right away. Imagine that your subscription is set up and the software is running on your office computer. You’re going to sit down routinely at your home computer to connect to the office.

You can always go to the LogMeIn web site and log in with your email address and password, then connect to the office computer from the control panel. You’ll be happier, though, if you follow a couple of steps to create a desktop shortcut on your home computer that connects you directly to your office computer with a single click.

Log into the online LogMeIn control panel at home and click on “Edit” by the name of the office computer.

LogMeIn Pro desktop shortcut

On the Settings screen, look for “Desktop Shortcut.”

LogMeIn Pro desktop shortcut

On the next screen is an icon that can be dragged out of your browser and dropped on your desk. Clicking on the desktop icon will take you directly to your office computer.

LogMeIn Pro desktop shortcut

Not bad, eh?

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