I will be on vacation starting Friday, July 6. I’ll be back in the office on Monday, July 23. (Look for us on the webcam: http://tinyurl.com/3369d8)

Please don’t do anything that makes you miss me! Procrastinate on buying new equipment. Don’t install new programs. Turn off your computers. E-mail is overrated. These new-fangled Internet tubes are just a fad.

(Sigh.) You’re going to insist on working anyway, aren’t you? Here are your options in an emergency.

  • I will have occasional access to e-mail – once or twice a day, probably not every day.
  • I will not have a cell phone. However, if you leave a voice message at (707) 703-1601, I will receive it by e-mail.
  • If you need immediate help, call my trusted colleague Mikel Cook at (707) 823-2002.

All my best wishes for a quiet time with technology while I’m away! Thanks for your continued support!

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